Friday, January 30, 2009

Thirsty Thursdays

Once upon a time, I was 19. I use to go to the Kappa's house on Normal St. every Thursday with my girls. We had some pretty crazy times, I do believe one of my roommates ended up swimming in the street. I also called my then boyfriend 9 times in various states on intoxication (which had moods to match), through this I learned that me, alcohol, and any form of technonogy is not a good idea.

Why do I bring this up, you ask?

I feel that possibly I am getting old, and cranky with my 22 (it will be 23 on Sunday), years of age. Two of my roommates, decide to have people over all every week on this particular day of the week. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this however there are a couple conditions I feel should be followed.
1. Ask me first, hell I'd even settle for just being informed. The only way I knew that people were going to be over tonight is because one of my sisters asked me how that party was going to be on facebook. Not cool.

2. Be courteous. If I say I am going to sleep, don't be screaming, belligerent, or overly loud.

3. Turn the FUCKING music down. It is MY stereo you are playing your obnoxious music on.
I do have to give them creativity points for ripping down the door from the coat closet to use as a beer pong table, but honestly is it that hard to clean it off and put it back up after you are done?

Should I be patient because they are both 19? No, I have Friday classes.

Monday, January 26, 2009

My tonsils, math class, and other things that are bothering me at the moment.

At a point in time last summer I had the unfortunate experience of getting mono. Ever since then I have had issues with my tonsils. Granted I am about a week shy of 23, and have never had these issues with them before, I'm pretty pissed at my body to have waited until I am a week away from being uninsured, and giving me this lovely problem.

What is one poor college student to do? I have a temporary solution, its name is codeine cough syrup. I still have about half a bottle left. I do not necessarily cough much, but it does defiantly help with the pain.

Speaking of pain, my math class has proven to be quite a nuisance. One would think with a name like "Geometry in Art", it wouldn't be that bad. Oh, yeah, except for that I have never taken a geometry class. Somethings are straight forward: vertices, interior angles, polygons, etc. Other things make me want to tear my hair out, tessellations, for example.

According to wikipedia (my source for anything I need to cite):

A tessellation or tiling of the plane is a collection or plane figures that fills the plane with no overlaps and no gaps. One may also speak of tessellations of the parts of the plane or of other surfaces.
I realize that tessellations can be found in ancient architecture, and the M.C. Escher made some pretty sick pieces with them, but honestly I feel this is another bullshit piece of fluff added to my 5+ years of post secondary eduction that I will never use. Physics, I need. Structures, I should have a decent understanding of. This class has done nothing but irritate me.

Most people have heard of the freshmen 15, I have manages to put on the super senior (who is actually a sophomore because of getting fucked transferring) 20. Every time I gain weight this time of year I manage to drop it by mid march. Which is a good thing seeing as I will be in Florida for spring break. I start Weight Watchers tomorrow, but have been basically following the plan today.

I apologize for this post which is reminiscent of a 16 year old whining on livejournal circa 2002, however it's refreshing to let it all out.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Absolutely Nothing

The title above sums up what I have been doing since Friday.

I'm pretty much going crazy, I have realized how much I do not like having nothing to do. Sure, I could go through the belongings my mother and sister have crammed into the dresser drawers in the basement, that actually might be productive. However, I have been sitting in sweats, watching TV (which has been full of Charm School and Secret Life re-runs), and vegetating for the last four days.

I take cat naps with my mom's kitten, Charlie, which is sitting here next to me as I type this. I feel bad that I am going to be losing my little buddy in a couple days. Although I probably need to start associating with humans, and taking less naps soon.

I think I actually do enjoy having a little time to just do nothing, but I feel like a waste of space at the end of the day. Perhaps I should not over think this, I am returning to S-Town on Wednesday, then its back to real life. That consists of bitchy roommates, class issues, and Fin Aid troubles.

Spring Break will be here soon enough.

Friday, January 2, 2009


So, I underestimated just how much time I was not going to have. I'm just going to tell it how it was, the last four months were the hardest but most rewarding I have ever had.

I proved to myself that I could get through all of my classes, even though I'm pretty sure I will never take two studios in a semester again.

All of my roommates, except the Chinese one ended up being complete wastes of space. I'm all for partying, however not on a Tuesday night. So I am currently attempting to get a new room.

I decided to pledge a sorority, which was an interesting experience. I have grown so much as a person just through that, I did so many things that were completely out of my comfort zone. I'm also pretty sure I am the oldest pledge that they have had for a while.

I had a few things that sent my sanity through Hell and back, but I'm here. I made it.

I am not making a new years resolution, I am just going to continue living.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Nervous breakdown

I think today I set a record.

Every semester I usually end up having a nervous breakdown, usually right before a big project is due. I'm not quite sure how i end up this way, it must be the power of negative thinking. The best way to describe how these instances of shear panic and terror happen is best explained by the slippery slope effect (a common campaign strategy for the radical right in this country, but that is for another blog).

According to Wikipedia, my source for explaining everything,
the slippery slope is one of the classical informal fallacies. It suggests that an action will initiate a chain of events culminating in an undesirable event later without establishing or quantifying the relevant contingencies.

Or simply put, I become intimidated by something, and being the perfectionist I am, freak out. I over analyze the situation and all that could go possibly wrong if one project does not go right.

The couse of thinking usually follows this pattern:

"Why am I spending a grand to take a class where my first project is folding paper? I have to have this class to take the next one. What happens if I do not understand the project? What happens if I fail the course? What am I going to do with my life, because for three years all I have wanted was to go to school here, and get a degree in architecture."

I have calmed down now, and realized that by the end of this semester I will either become the best possible version of myself, or an alcoholic with lung cancer (from all the stress smoking). I'm putting my money on the first one, and going to attempt to not think about the second.

I set a record for the first nervous breakdown in a semester, after one day of classes.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Where do I begin?

I have been living in this nice spacious two bedroom apartment for about a week on my own. I like the company of other people, but going into housing blind is always a nerve wracking situation. There are several possible outcomes, and I am hoping for the best, preparing for the worst.

It seems awkward to be completely finished unpacking, and pretty much living in a space when someone comes in with all their boxes, I tend to avoid it because I'm not a fan of confrontation of any sort.

In all honesty though, it hasn't been too bad so far. Sure there have been a few bumps and unexpected surprises, like one of my new roomies just coming in the room while I am typing this blog, the other deciding to room with me, unpack and completely move her stuff into another room, or hoping I do not get stuck with the semi-quasi foreign roommate who seems to be quite mysterious. Through all of this I am just going with the proverbial flow. It seems there is nothing else I can do.

I've also been through this before a few times.

So here's to hoping roomie no. 1's boyfriend keeps making a great breakfast when he stays the night here, roomies no. 2 chooses my bed room to share, and to hoping they all don't thikg I'm an alkie when they open the fridge and see how much beer I have in it.

Friday, August 22, 2008

My new apartment

Well, I moved in on Tuesday, that was in experience in and of itself. I'm sure everyone is aware of the concept of Murphy's Law:

"If there's more than one possible outcome of a job or task, and one of those outcomes will result in disaster or an undesirable consequence, then somebody will do it that way"

Or simply put: "Anything that can possibly go wrong, does".

Apparently my mothers cat picked my move in day to get a kidney blockage. My mother loves this cat, refers to it as her son, and on more than one occasion has said shes leaving everything to it. Nothing out of the ordinary, most people form attachments to their pets. So, she decides to take the cat to the vet, I understand, I'm not completely heartless.

She returns home, and lo and behold her shrubs are halfway cut, and she literally throws a fit and is stomping and throwing a massive tantrum outside of the house on the sidewalk. All quite entertaining to see a 47 year old woman loose her damn mind, and incredibly embarrassing at the same time. My father shared my thoughts on this as well.

After my mothers spectacular display, and being delayed a few hours, we finally packed up the cars and drove to my current housing accommodations. I have a nice two bedroom apartment, and am currently waiting for my roommates to move in on Sunday and Monday.

As with most new places I have found a few problems here and there. My least favorite one is the lack of an Ethernet port for my desktop, and that my coaxial out put does not work, thus leaving me with out any entertainment until yesterday. I'm still waiting for maintenance to come and repair my cable, yesterday I picked up my school issued laptop, and have internet since the whole campus is wireless.

The building and the room have character though, so the next eight months of torturous studio and lab classes may just be bearable.